Cryptography, Multi-party computation, Privacy-preserving machine learning
Representational learning for video/images/speech.
Communication networks, Stochastic systems, Federated learning, Optimization, Game theory
Theory of Deep learning, Algorithms, Randomness
Middleware for Cyberphysical systems, Smart cities, Micro-nano electronics, Neuroelectronic hybrid systems
Image processing pipelines, Dense linear algebra, Deep neural networks, and Deep learning
Signal processing, Compression, Machine vision, Image/video processing, Pattern recognition and multimedia
Algorithmic game theory and Approximation algorithms
Stochastic control and optimization, Simulation, Communication networks, Reinforcement learning
Geometric algorithms and Data Structures, Approximation algorithms, and Streaming algorithms
Machine learning, Convex optimization
Computer vision, Pattern recognition, Image processing
Systems theory, Probabilistic graphical models, Stochastic processes, Geometric tessellation and optimization
Numerical optimization, Approximation methods, Image processing, Computer vision
Pattern recognition, Data mining, Soft computing
Information theory, Statistical learning, Computational algebra
Auditory neuroscience, Machine learning and Pattern recognition, particularly Speech processing, Optical character recognition, Machine listening, Medical image processing, and Speech synthesis
Signal processing, Machine learning, Deep learning and Neuroscience
Computer security, including security and privacy issues in modern AI/ML systems.
Human speech communication, Signal and information processing, Machine learning, Text analytics
Machine learning, Sequential decision making, Online and reinforcement learning
Computer vision, Geometry in vision, 3D reconstruction
Sparse signal processing, Neuroscience, Road traffic simulator, Indoor positioning, Radar signal processing, Autonomous navigation
Design and analysis of algorithms, Pattern matching algorithms, Graph connectivity algorithms
Image/video signal processing, Computer vision using tools from machine learning, Statistics and visual neuroscience
Database systems, Data mining, Biological databases, Multi-lingual databases
AI for software development, Interpretable and secure AI
Mathematical foundations of computing, Algorithms for large-Scale data, Spectral algorithms, Clustering
Optimization, Geometry, Logic, Biology
Digital signal processing, Information theory, Estimation theory
Pattern clustering
Game theory, Auctions and mechanism design, Blockchain technology, Learning with strategic agents
Scientific visualization, Computational topology, Computational geometry, and Geometry processing
Transportation planning, Travel demand modeling and forecasting
Demand management of scarce resources, Revenue management, Discrete optimization
Network games, Real-time control of traffic, Shared ride systems, Transportation logistics, Evacuation
Pattern recognition, Computational neuroscience, Temporal data mining
Bio-inspired speech/audio processing, Image processing, Biomedical imaging, Sampling theories, Optical imaging, Sparse signal processing, Image processing for Healthcare applications
Convex optimization, Data mining
Cloud and edge computing, Distributed graph processing platforms and Elastic stream processing
Mobile and networked systems, Intersection of sensor systems and mobile computing, and on Efficient mobile communication.
Applied mathematics, Physical modeling, Coding, Signal processing and VLSI systems architecture for Novel magnetic/optical recording channels, Quantum information processing, Neural nets and math modeling of complex systems
Communication, computation, and control over networks, Decentralised algorithms over graphs and networks, Network analytics, Information geometry.
Machine learning, Natural language processing, Data integration, Cognitive science
Brain-inspired computing, neuromorphic engineering, Analog/digital IC design, Computational neuroscience, Machine learning
Human sensing and perception, Computer vision and Machine learning
Stochastic approximation, Random topology and their applications to reinforcement learning and Topological data analysis
Hybrid robotic systems, Safety critical control and applications of learning theory to legged locomotion.
Information theory, Statistics, Cryptography, Machine learning, Distributed intelligence systems, Socio-technical systems
Uncertainty quantification and analysis – theory, numerics, Software, Applications; Bayesian inference and data assimilation; Dynamic data-driven stochastic ocean modeling; Cyclone track prediction; Optimal routing of marine and aerial vehicles.
Cognition, Computation and behaviour, Applying artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, including Deep learning, for understanding brain mechanisms of attention in healthy individuals, and its decline in neurodegenerative disorders.
Approximation algorithms, Online algorithms, Online learning, Combinatorial optimization, Computational geometry, Graph algorithms, Parameterized algorithms, Algorithms for big data and Machine learning.
Intelligent flight control system, Autonomous system, Applied game theory, Computer vision and robotics, Machine learning and AI.
Mathematical signal processing, Statistical inference and learning, applied to communication systems, Network sciences, and Computational imaging.
Bayesian inference, Reliability and survival analysis, Statistical computing, Statistical quality control, Econometrics.
Network theory, Applied probability, Optimization methods, and in their applications to distributed systems, Statistical signal processing, Queueing theory, Information theory, Estimation & detection theory, Combinatorics, and Probability theory.
Understanding and characterising latency versus redundancy trade-offs in distributed systems. Understanding how to communicate with robots in natural language so certain tasks can be accomplished.
Pricing, Investment decision, Exposure management, Risk mitigation.